Sunday 26 March 2017

What is good to me might be your dislike

" Right and wrong is relative" - - bolutife ojeleke

Oliver twist will give you many reasons to ask for more

"A greedy man will go to any length to find justification" - - bolutife ojeleke

Making Nigeria great

" Nigeria's problem starts in the Senate and ends up in the Constitution" - - bolutife ojeleke

Give a room

"Even in times of puzzlement, the voice of someone who betrayed you once shouldn't be silenced, after all, it's still an option you haven't taken, cause in my little understanding a notorious betrayal can't betray people everyday" - - bolutife ojeleke

There is never a time too late to say sorry

" Even though saying sorry doesn't solve it
every time, you can use that word to buy the
sympathy of the world even though you were
wrong cause the world is not different" - - bolutife ojeleke

A gift of apology wrapped in paper of deception

" Apology can be used to deceive one, so if
you're the one receiving apology, know apology
most times are given for acceptance by the
people not truthful repentance" - - bolutife ojeleke

When the chips are down

" The greatest weapon a dying man have left in
his arsenal when ego fails him is apology" - -bolutife ojeleke

Apologies doesn't make us weak as perceived

" The only advantage i have over my opponent
is that, i apologize to my allies when I'm wrong
cause what they live for is respect and fairness
from me hence they give me their support" - -bolutife ojeleke

We say sorry not because we are wrong

"Sorry is just one word that can save us from
giving million explanation about our errors" - -bolutife ojeleke

A thin line is the only difference

" Knowledge can only be acquired through
books and experience but wisdom resides in
the brain" - - bolutife ojeleke

Talk about masking the devil in you

" Keep sorry as a word always close to your
mouth, the world is a market place where
everyone is running a trade by barter business
cause of its hypocritical nature, only the
humble is honored, trade your sorry to the
world to receive their humility in return, the
only way you can hide your intentions "- - bolutife ojeleke

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Knowing where you belong amongst your circle

" None of your friends should ever been
neutral, if he's not for you he should be against
you, a neutral personality is someone who will
leave the ship when it's sinking" - - bolutife ojeleke

No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper

" When a leader is being instigated against you
by forces unseen, be tactful enough not to see
him as an enemy, rather by law or love win
him to your side tactfully to know the director
shooting the movie " - -bolutife ojeleke

Monday 20 March 2017

Experience is very important

" Life is full of experience, experience are
meant to be analyzed, analysis are the bedrock
to any solution achieved" - - bolutife ojeleke

Secret put you in a corner

" The only thing you should hide are your plans,
no need to keep secret, secret are tools kept
by our opposition as blackmail" - -bolutife ojeleke

Some things are not worth it

" Don't waste your time around the woman who
betrayed you, rather defeat the man who was
brilliant enough to manipulate her against her
vows for you" - - bolutife ojeleke

Moving on with loss

" Be brief with your grief, never go for revenge
in pain, to overcome our loss start with dealing
with our pressure"- - bolutife ojeleke

Summaries of power

" Four guidelines of my life has always been,
respect is what everyone needs, nothing is
free, know when to start and stop, to win is to
lose" - - bolutife ojeleke

Look beyond your present situation

" If you don't care about the kind of justice
given to a rich man cause you're poor, then you
haven't imagined fortune smiling on you one
day"- - bolutife ojeleke

Things will never be the same

" You forgave doesn't mean you should forgive,
to forget doesn't mean it should leave your
memory" - -bolutife ojeleke

Fear not!

"I've stopped disturbing myself about future,
one thing I know is that you can't remain the
same in next 10 years, is either it's get worst
for you or better for you"- -bolutife ojeleke

Thursday 16 March 2017

Being hidden doesn't make you free

" A free prisoner is better than a free sinner in
the face of law that separates wrong from
right, cause he as served punishment for his
sin, while the sin of the other is in hiding" - -bolutife ojeleke

Decision makes you a man

" Defeat are definition of one single decision,
victory is also a result of a single decision,
what we should look after are our decision not
options" - - bolutife ojeleke

Basic ingredient of success

" Attitude can be a barrier to success but
remember attitude needs a host to live, the
host is you, you determine what attitude to
achieve success" - - bolutife ojeleke

When we never found justice

" War shouldn't be what we are scared of, the
point is how as justice failed us to seek war
for answer, cause in reality, for every justice in
wrong path set us on the way of making the
present happiness trade for history" - - bolutife ojeleke

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Some things will never change

" I took time to look out of my window and I
realized nothing as changed in my environment,
poverty still lives a block away, the only thing
that changed is new politics not government,
not even promises as changed but hope has
failed" - -bolutife ojeleke

Nothing last forever

" Those who controlled this world, me and you
failed to mention they will need to live longer
than the world to keep controlling every grip
they have on mother earth" - - bolutife ojeleke

Are you feeling distracted?

" Vain glory, unnecessary display of affluence
are all tools in the hands of crime to
undermine our purpose of existence, such petty
things only sway fragile minds to patronize
what he sells" - -bolutife ojeleke

At the end happiness is what we crave for

" Revist the past, don't stay in it likewise live
for it cause memory is the only thing that will
live with you when you look for happiness and
you can't find it" - - bolutife ojeleke

Monday 13 March 2017

Tired of meeting people?

"Don't confuse your world, there is no good
man or bad person, what we have is situation
that determines when, where and how we turn
good or bad "- - bolutife ojeleke

Try to at least have one

" There are two ways to be
respected;the money way or
intellectual way" - - bolutife ojeleke

Decision making

" When you think about way forward and your
ship of plans are caught up with
thunderstorms, just let your ship of plans
capsize so you can flow with the tide of luck" - - bolutife ojeleke

Choosing the right one

" You can complicate matters to sound as an
intellectual but it doesn't make difference" - -bolutife ojeleke

Sunday 12 March 2017

Yes! To good upbringing

"Children don't grow up to be the separation of
your parent, remember you're the creation of
their union" - - bolutife ojeleke

Saturday 11 March 2017

The psyche of a billionaire

"For you to have a billionaire ambition, you have
a selfish undertone"- - bolutife ojeleke

Better days ahead

"We didn't have all the riches to celebrate our
university days, but today, they are expensive
memories money can't buy cause we cherish the
love and unity, we are happy cause we did
something priceless"- -bolutife ojeleke

Remaining focus

"Distractions are created for those that are
focus, challenges abound for those that are
determined, believing are meant for those who
pursuit dreams, working towards it are those
achieve it"- - bolutife ojeleke